
How to wear Khaki

Work a chic take on this season’s military trend with Zara’s khaki cotton slouch pants. Layer over a patterned top in neutral colours and add a chunky gold necklace for a sharp finish.
Jumper, £89, and Necklace, £120, reissonline.com. Trousers, £35.99, and shoes, £49.99, Zara, 020 7851 4300.
Khaki fabulous: Work the trend with army trousers, military coat and skinny jeans
Khaki fabulous: Work the trend with army trousers, military coat and skinny jeans
Khaki fabulous: Work the trend with army trousers, military coat and skinny jeans
Khaki fabulous: Work the trend with army trousers (left), military coat and skinny jeans (right)
A khaki military coat will carry you through from autumn to winter, so it is a great investment buy. Team it with a caramel colour pleated skirt and suede ankle-boots. Then, as the weather gets cooler, add a pair of brown opaque tights.
Coat, £195, Massimo Dutti, 0207 851 1280. Jumper, £25.99, and boots, £59.99, Zara, as before.
Skirt, £21.99, New Look, 0500 454 094
Boost your wardrobe with these spray-on skinny jeans. Team them with a pair of on-trend shearling boots, a camel top and a khaki chunky-knit cardigan.
Cardigan, £49.90, and boots, £125, Massimo Dutti, as before. Jumper, £29.99, Zara, as before.
Denim leggings, £79, Reiss, as before.

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